Astec JR55 D0500SDN, JR105 D0500SDN, for Burny Kaliburn
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Encoders Order made Encoders Very Large Middle-Large Order made Small Optical Cable Standard Encoders

  MOC_Mitaka   Tokyo Japan
      Export and Import of
      Magnetic Encoders   and
      Other Industrial Products

If you are considering to develop a new encoder with your
own specification, please contact MOC_Mitaka.

In the case of optical encoders, it is very expensive to make a prototype for test purpose as a tooling cost is very high.
However, when it comes to magnetic encoder, we can make a prototype with a reasonble cost.

In the case of magnetic encoder, a hand made kit can be made and the initial cost can be minimized. After the test approval of the prototype, we can go into production for finished encoders.

Motion Control at Mitaka, Tokyo
Central Line of Japan Railway

       P.C.: 180-0013, MOC_Mitaka
       2-21-13, Nishikubo, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, JAPAN.
Mail to MOC Mitka
When MOC_Mitaka works for any 'Order made Encoders', we are working like an engineering company. It is necessary to work together with several part makers to make a new encoder with a special specification to meet your requirement.

Examples of Prototype Encodr Kits:

+ Very small micro-encoder kit for shaft size Ø1mm or smaller.
    MOC_Mitka, Micro-Encoder         MOC_Mitka, Micro-Encoder

+ Various sizes of kits for shaft sizes from Ø1mm up to Ø200mm or larger.